Asking the guard will place a red marker on your map at the trainer's location. If you are having trouble finding the trainers, you can walk up to a guard in Dazar'alor or Boralus then ask where the Tailoring trainer is. The new BfA Tailoring skill is named differently for the two factions, but the name is the only difference between them. You will discover the recipes for the ilvl armors by crafting the ilvl ones.

You can get the recipes for the new pants and gloves from Faceless, K'thir, Aqir, and Cultists mobs that worship N'Zoth random drop. Epzilon-hellscream Epzilon December 28,am 3.ĭid you see any skill lvl requirement involved? Moothilda-aszune Moothilda December 28,am 4.This guide provides an overview of the additions and changes to Tailoring in World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth.Ĭheck out my guide on How to Unlock the Void Focus. Moothilda-aszune Moothilda December 28,am 2. WOW : Pattern Embroidered Deep Sea Bag (Rank1) Epzilon-hellscream Epzilon December 28,am 1. So if it has a drop restriction concerning tailoring experience it is not similar to the for learning it. To learn, not to drop, I had it in my bags for quite some time before I could learn it. So my recommendation is to go to some Naga infested area and kill those nasty sea snakes for a while. I had one drop today during a random hc: Siege of Boralus, Tailoring skill 54 might been Hi, I recall that for my warlock it dropped from a Naga. Yes, I mean if you have to be at a certain skill lvl to make them drop for you in the first place. Revered with Order of Embers for alliance. Maybe you get ir when you stop hoping for the drop.ĭeep sea bag: Revered with Vuldunai faction for horde. When I google it and look at comments, it appears to be very very random when it drops WQ, normal mob, 1. Just continue engaging in the world and hope for the best? It seems so.