For best results install this mod BEFORE the first time you travel to Soldier's Peak. Maps are only generated the very first time you visit it. Use as much or as little of this mod as you want. If you're a purist of lore-friendly items and consider these to be over-the-top feel free to sell them off, or destroy them outright. There are many drops of rare and high powered items and you will want to clear out your inventory of unnecessary items before beginning Warden's Keep. This will give you larger battles and maximum XP. Added flora and fauna and other cool things. Added more ambient birdsong to final 'Soldiers Peek repaired' map. Volume level for ambient sound effects have been turned up on all maps.

Levels within cutscenes have been maxed to show highest level material. All critters and weak-normals are now normals. Levels on some creatures have been changed. Remove his folder if you want the vanilla commoner Levi. The Dryden merchants now buy/sell at the actual flat rate value.

There is a desire demon named Lamppost. Shale gets followed by cats instead of crows. You also, at your option, get the following bonuses when returning to the Peak: Merchant Mikael will sell unique Black Edition starmetal equipment. Merchant Levi will sell unlimited crafting components. Added some new toys to play with at the restored peak. Added a way to leave the repair peak to explore the surrounding area. Restored Ogre Onslaught to repaired peak. Added two entrance doors to the repaired keep and one exit door to Avernus' tower. Squeezed a few more points of damage out of Levi. However, in combat rank matters more than level. Most creatures will be level 25 for more XP. Removed treasure containers of low level or junk items. Game code allows for a very small chance of a drop per item equipped plus 1 additional random item. Minimal equipment drops to stop inventory bloat.